Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!


After some month, while „only“ maintening our local installations of SB.OS, we decided to enforce the development. All the time we updated our software environment, but it's time to do this also on the SB.OS DVD. That's why, from now on we build (automatically) weekly a fresh DVD, and - also new - we provide 32bit and 64bit versions (but only for x86 architecture). For installation, you should use 64bit, it is better tested (and almost all new computers have too much RAM for 32bit). Both editions you'll find in the download area under weekly/


added this newspage to the website :-)

So it might be easier to follow our work

news.1299596361.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/03/08 15:59 von ivomaintz
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