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Installing SB.OS on your computer

You can install SB.OS permanently on your computer: to do so, follow the instructions while SB.OS is booting. If you are going to install SB.OS beside an existing operating system, we recommend to prepare security backups of all critical data, even though the installer can resize partitions. You'll need at least 7 GB for the SB.OS, but be not to sparingly - we recommend around 30 GB for the system and your data.

If you have a running ubuntu, you can also install the SB.OS Software. We suggest 2 possible ways:

1) manual (change maverick to the name of your release, e.g. lucid or natty)

Open a terminal and type

sudo -i
wget -q http://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/sbos/key.asc -O - | apt-key add -
echo "deb http://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/sbos/ maverick main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbos.list
aptitude update ; aptitude install sb.os-desktop

The first line will import the gpg key of the SB.OS repository, the second line creates the file sbos.list in the directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ with informations about the SB.OS repository. The last line will update your package sources and install the 'full' SB.OS desktop. You may wish to only install some of our packages, in this case type 'sudo aptitude install $NAME_OF_APPLICATION.

2) graphical (change maverick to the name of your release, e.g. lucid or natty)

Open 'Software sources' from the Adminitration Menu, go to 'Other Software' and click on 'add' type 'http://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/sbos/ maverick main' into the field and klick on 'add software source' klick on the 'close'- button and say 'yes', if you are asked for reload the software sources. Now you can install the sb.os-desktop (or single packages) via the synaptics package manager.

installation_instructions.1316208086.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/09/16 23:21 von wolfliebermeister
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